- Thymus Extract

- The Organs called the thymus are located above the center of the chest and are the central organs responsible for immune functions. It's role is like a 'school to educate' the lymphocytes which are immunocompetent cells.
As the thymus decreases, immunity declines. (Thymus organs decrease with age)
1. It induces the production of immature T-lymphocytes in the marrow bone and induces the cells in the thymus.
2. It informs cell of the distinction between 'self-components' and 'non-self, foreign matter (bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, etc.)' for immature lymphocytes collected in the thymus, and differentiation maturation into T-lymphocytes with various functions.
- What is the thymus?
The Thymus is a small organ located on the heart, it is a mysterious organ that starts to grow from early childhood, peaks in the late teens, gradually starts to decline, and almost disappears on from late middle age.
Killer T cell
In German/English [Thymus = Thymus/Thomas/Timbers] and the commonly known, [Killer T cell] of lymphocytes with very high immunity are [Thymus] which are symbolized by 'T’ in short.
Synthesizes and grows in the thymus within the body, and then provides a powerful ability to stop various aging phenomena, including cancer and others inside the body. If there is no thymus, killer T cells and various compatible-immuno substances will not be produced, and the body will quickly become aged.
To maintain various kinds of immunity, the "thymic peptide substance" produced by the thymus is indispensable to the body, and this peptide substance is used in various immune organs. However, due to aging, the thymus gland decreases, peptide production also declines, and it is said that various aging phenomena will begin inside the body.
Maintaining immunity is the same as maintaining youthfulness, and so thymus extracts in Germany are also called "The secret medicine for rejuvenation".
- Natural βcarotene
Cultivation of viable unicell organisms in the Dead Sea of Israel where many organisms cannot exist and extract large amounts of βcarotene. Higher antioxidant effect/Increase in good HDL cholesterol/Results of decreasing blood sugar level and triglyceride result in improvements to diabetes and arteriosclerosis.
- What is natural β carotene?
Microalgae inhabiting the Dead Sea of Israel and the Great Salt Lake in the United States are produced to protect chlorophyll and other organelles in their cells from high salinity and ultraviolet rays.
- Natural β carotene
Natural β carotene is derived from lake Bardawill, which adjoins the Mediterranean Sea, and the β-carotene produced there is about 1,200 times as much as is found in ginseng. This β-carotene has natural 9-cis type and all-trans of artificial type, and it contains a large amount of natural 9-cis type.
In addition, various experiments are carried out on this natural β-carotene, and improvements such as low HDL cholesterol and high neutral fat improvement, improvement of arteriosclerosis, lowering of blood glucose level, and etc. can be seen.
In addition, this natural β-carotene is a powerful antioxidant, so the oxidative stress due to radioactivity has also been reduced by 50%.
- Natto fermenting bacteria
Strongly resistant to heat and acid then made into small molecules (a minimum size which cannot become finer), enzymatic activity factor in the body which is then fermented and ripened based on bacillus Natto bacteria. It has been confirmed that it acts to activate metabolism in vivo by intake of caliber and to enhance the proliferation and activity of NK cells. Besides, the preventative effect of metabolic syndrome is high because there are results of suppression of sugar absorption/blood neutral fat reduction/blood pressure suppression/cholesterol lowering/renal function improvement result.
- What is Fermented Bacillus Natto?
An active enzyme produced by fermentation of microorganisms through a patented process, which reduced molecular weight in a stable state without artificial modification.
- Natto fermenting bacteria
A specific ingredient created by driving the Bacillus Natto fermented to produce a large amount of enzyme to the environment before its dies. Based on that, it combines with minerals derived from plants to prolong fermentation and aging for more than half a year, thereby making it an enzyme similar to low molecular weight peptide that overcomes the disadvantages of conventional enzyme foods such as heat resistance, acid resistance, low molecular weight and low calorie content.
In addition, the enzyme-like low molecular weight peptide activates enzymes in the body, so effects such as early reduction of blood alcohol, reduction of liver function disorders, suppression of blood pressure, activation of NK cells, etc. can be recognized, and improvement of metabolic syndromes will be more effective.
Bone metabolism produces various effects such as improvement of bone density, increase of good intestinal bacteria, suppression of juvenile sexual diabetes, improvement of kidney function, weight loss, etc.
- Yoron Island's herbs
It is a plant that is usually consumed in Okinawa and elsewhere which has a strong life force and antioxidant effect. It is expected that hypertension, arteriosclerosis, blood flow improvement, myocardial infarction, cancer prevention, etc. can be detected, and the effect of promoting the secretion of adiponectin which is a long-lived hormone has also been confirmed.
- What is a medicinal herb of Yoron Island??
It is a medicinal herb that grows naturally along the coast in a high temperate climate such as Okinawa Prefecture. Rich in minerals and vitamins, the plant has also been used as a food for the people on the island for a long time.
Yoron Island’s herb
Yoron Island's medicinal herbs can be found in tempura, boiled herb, tea etc. in Okinawa and elsewhere. There is a unique bitter taste, which Okinawa people has been handed down as a secret of longevity for generations.
It is said that it is effective at suppressing carcinogenic substances as well as blood flow improvement and arteriosclerosis prevention by a strong antioxidant effect, and as a main feature, it’s also effective in preventing numerous other diseases such as hypertension prevention, gastrointestinal action, and fatigue recovery.
It has many pleasant effects on women, it also suppresses melanin formation, anti-aging effects, anemia prevention, coldness and swelling improvements, and also leads to osteoporosis prevention because it increases bone density.